
A sampling of goods.

Social Media [Content Ideation + Final Creative]


Blog Content [Copy]

Content Philosophy

When building out content — stripped of branding and polish — there are four desirable outcomes I turn to for foundation. In aligning my strategic approach with the traits below, I can directly tie back to myself (and the people I've been lucky enough to work with in ideation and production in past lives — see, for example: Jeremy, Jessy, Andi) the sampling of goods above distributed via social media channels, lead gen campaigns, and beyond.


Laughter is contagious — it taps into levels of feel goodness, escape, and positive association. To humor is human and it can be found in even the dullest of subject matters if you're willing to get creative.


Mere seconds determine the likelihood of engagement across your chosen distribution channels. If you're posting just to post — without thought or reason — the way your audience interacts (or doesn't) with those posts will be a direct reflection of that. I believe in harnessing the power of audience motivators and behavior to create meaningful, relatable messages people actually want to spend time with rather than scrolling past.


If you want your content to serve a purpose, leave your audience with something purposeful. Whether in the form of inspirational advice or actionable insights, proving validity on behalf of your brand through usefulness gives people reason to trust in and revisit your content time and time again.


At a very basic level, brands should be prepared to take risks and align themselves with potential audiences in a way that separates them from being just another product or service. I don't equate boldness with flashy who-sits and what-sits but, more simply, a willingness to consistently give back and innovate on past efforts.

Want more? Just ask. Want proof in numbers? Hit up my resume.